That Time of the Year

I arrived home just as the sun was setting and following a weekend of late nights, endless amounts of thanksgiving leftovers, and many minutes spent driving. My family was also exhausted from a hike earlier, accordingly, an informal Chinese dinner was consumed in the living room that evening. I engulfed my food, rested my plate on the coffee table, sunk back into the couch, and browsed for nothing on my laptop. Then, after a few minutes of boredom, I shut my laptop and drifted asleep. It was 7:30 p.m.

As the cold weather sets in, some motivation is lost and rest is sought after. The lack of daylight doesn’t help; I feel less energized overall. During the period from Thanksgiving to the New Year, things seem to slow down. The year is winding down, and instead of sprinting through the finish line, most people slow down to save energy for the next lap. I am one of those people, for good or ill.

I rolled over on the white linen couch, somewhat lost on how I awoke there. Darkness filled the windows. I heard some banging from the kitchen–my dad or mom was leaving for work. I checked my phone; it was 5:45 a.m. At that point, I figured I mine as well start my day.

Photo from September


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